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A song of Queene Isabel, wife to King Edward the second, how by the Spencers she was constrained secretly to goe out of England with her elder sonne Prince Edward, to seeke for succour in France, and what hapned vnto her in her iourney

PRoud were the Spencers, and of condition ill,
All England and the King likewise,
they ruled at their will:
And many Lords and Nobles of this Land,
Through their occasions lost their liues,
and none durst them withstand.
And at the last they did encrease their grief,
Betweene the King and Isobel,
his queen and faithfull wife.
So that her life she dreaded wondrous sore,
And cast within her secret thoughts,
some present help therefore.
Thus she requests with countenance graue and sage,
That she to Thomas Beckets tombe,
might go on Pilgrimage.
Then being ioyfull to haue that happy chance,
Her sonne and she tooke ship with speed,
and sailed into France.
And royally she was receiued then,
By the King and all the rest
of Peeres and Noblemen.
And vnto him at length she did expresse
The cause of her arriuall there,
her griefe and heauinesse.
When as her brother her griefe did vnderstand,
He gaue her leaue to gather men,
throughout his famous Land:
And made his promise to aid her euermore,
As oft as she could stand in need,
of Gold and Siluer store.
But when indeed he should performe the same,
He was as farre from doing it,
as when she thither came,
And did proclaime while matters yet were greene,
That none on paine of death should go
to aide the English Queene.
This alteration did greatly grieue the Queene,
That downe along her comely face,
the bitter teares were seene.
When she perceiu’d her friends forsooke her so,
She knew not for her safety
which way to turne or go:
But through good hap at last she then decreed,
To looke in fruitfull Germanie,
some succour in this need.
And to Sir Iohn Henault then went she,
Who entertain’d this wofull Queene,
with great solemnitie.
And with great sorrow to him she then complaind,
Of all her griefes and iniuries
which she of late sustaind:
So that with weeping she dimd her Princely sight,
The summe whereof did greatly grieue
that Noble courteous Knight:
Who made an oath he would her Champion be,
And in her quarrell spend his bloud:
from wrong to set her free;
And all my friends with whom I may preuaile,
Shall helpe for to aduance your state,
whose truth no time shall faile.
And in this promise most faithful he was found,
And many Lords of great account
were in this voyage bound.
So setting foward with a goodly traine,
At length, through Gods especiall grace,
into England they came.
At Harwich then when they were come ashore,
Of English Lords and Barons bold,
there came to her great store,
Which did reioyce the Queenes afflicted heart,
That English Nobles in such sort,
did come to take her part.
When as King Edward hereof did vnderstand,
How that the Queene with such a power,
was entred on his Land,
And how his Nobles were gone to take her part,
He fled from London presently,
euen with a heauy heart:
And with the Spencers did vnto Bristoll goe,
To fortifie that Gallant Towne
great cost he did bestow:
Leauing behind to gouern London Towne,
The stout Bishop of Exceter,
whose pride was soone pul’d downe.
The Mayor of London with citizens great store
The Bishop and the Spencers both,
in heart they did abhorre:
Therefore they tooke him without feare & dread,
And at the Standard in Cheapside,
they soone smote off his head.
Vnto the Queene this message then they sent,
The City of London was
at her commandement:
Wherefore the Queene with all her companie,
Did straight to Bristow march amaine,
whereas the King did lye.
Then she besieg’d the City round about,
Threatning sharpe and cruell death
to those that were so stout:
Wherefore the townsmen their children & their wiues,
Did yeeld the City to the Queene,
for safegard of their liues.
Where was tooke, the story plaine doth tell,
Sir Hugh Spencer, and with him
the Earle of Arundel.
This iudgement iust the Nobles did set downe,
They should be drawne and hanged both,
in sight of Bristow Towne,
Then was King Edward in the Castle there;
And young Hugh Spencer still with him,
in dread and deadly feare.
And being prepar’d from thence to sail away,
The winds were found so contrary,
they were enforc’t to stay:
But at the last Sir Henry Beaumond Knight,
Did bring their sailing ship to shore,
and so did stay their flight:
And so these men were taken speedily,
And brought as prisoners to the Queene,
which did in Bristow lye.
The Queene by counsell of the Lords & Barons bold
To Barkeley Castle sent the King,
there to be kept in hold.
And young Hugh Spencer, that did much ill procure,
Was to the Marshal of the Hoast
sent vnto keeping sure.
And then the Queene to Hereford tooke her way,
With al her warlike company,
which late in Bristow lay:
And here behold how Spencer vsed was,
From towne to towne, euen as the Queene
to Hereford did passe
Vpon a Iade which they by chance had found,
Young Spencer mounted was,
with legs and hands fast bound:
A written paper along as he did go,
Vpon his head he had to weare,
which did his treason show.
And to deride this Traytor lewd and ill,
Certaine men with Reeden Pipes,
did blow before him still:
Thus was he led along in euery place,
While many people did reioyce,
to see his great disgrace.
When vnto Hereford our noble Queene was come,
She did assemble all the Lords
and Knights, both all and some:
And in their presence yong Spencer iudgment had
To be both hang’d and quartered,
his treasons were so bad.
Then was the King deposed of his Crowne,
From rule and Princely dignitie,
the Lords did cast him downe.
And in his life his son both wise and sage,
Was crowned King of faire England,
at fifteene yeares of age.

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A song of Queene Isabel, wife to King Edward the second, how by the Spencers she was constrained secretly to goe out of England with her elder sonne Prince Edward, to seeke for succour in France, and what hapned vnto her in her iourney - THOMAS DELONEY