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A new Ballet

of the straunge and most cruell Whippes which the Spanyards
had prepared to whippe and torment English men
and women: which were found and taken
at the overthrow of certaine of the
Spanish Shippes in Iuly
last part, 1588.
To the tune of the valiant Soldiour.
AL you that list to looke and see
what profite comes from Spayne
And what the Pope and Spanyards both,
prepared for our gayne.
Then turne your eyes and bend your eares,
and you shall heare and see,
What courteous minds, what gentle harts,
they beare to thee and mee.
They say they seek for Englands good,
and wish the people well:
They say they are such holie men,
all others they excell.
They bragge that they are Catholikes,
and Christes only Spouse:
And what so ere they take in hand,
the holie Pope allowes.
These holie men, these sacred Saints,
and these that thinke no ill:
See how they sought, against all right,
to murder, spoyle, and kill.
Our noble Queene and Countrie first,
they did prepare to spoyle:
To ruinate our liues and lands,
with trouble and turmoyle.
And not content by fire and sword
to take our right away:
But to torment most cruelly
our bodies night and day.
Although they ment with murdring hands
our guiltlesse bloud to spill:
Before our deathes they did deuise
to whip vs first their fill.
And for that purpose had preparde
of whips such wondrouse store,
So straungely made, that sure the like
was neuer seene before.
For neuer was there Horse, nor Mule,
nor dogge of currish kinde,
That euet had such whips deuisde
by any sauadge minde.
One sorte of whips they had for men,
so smarting fierce and fell:
As like could neuer be deuisde
by any deuill in hell.
The strings whereof with wyerie knots,
like rowels they did frame,
That euery stroke might teare the flesh
they layd on with the same,
And pluck the spreading sinewes from
the hardned bloudie bone,
To prick and pearce each tender veine,
within the bodie knowne.
And not to leaue one crooked ribbe,
on any side vnseene:
Nor yet to leaue a lumpe of flesh
the head and foote betweene.
And for our seelie women eke,
their hearts with griefe to clogge,
They made such whips wherewith no man
would seeme to strike a dogge:
So strengthned eke with brasen tagges,
and filde so rough and thin,
That they would force at euery lash
the bloud abroad to spinne.
Although their bodies sweet and fayre
their spoyle they ment to make:
And on them first their filthie lust
and pleasure for to take.
Yet afterward such sower sauce
they should be sure to finde
That they shoulde curse each springing braunch
that cometh of their kinde.
O Ladies fayre what spite were this,
your gentle hearts to kill:
To see these deuilish tyrants thus
your childrens bloud to spill.
What griefe vnto the husband deere,
his louing wife to see
Tormented so before his face
with extreame villainie.
And thinke you not that they which had
such dogged mindes to make
Such instruments of tyrannie,
had not like hearts to take
The greatest vengeance that they might
vpon vs euery one:
Yes, yes, be sure, for godlie feare
and mercie they haue none.
Even as in India once they did
against those people there,
With cruel Curres, in shamefull sorte
the men both rent and teare:
And set the Ladies great with childe
vpright against a tree,
And shoot them through with pearcing darts,
such would their practise bee.
Did not the Romans in this land,
sometime like practise vse,
Against the Brittains bolde in heart,
and wonderously abuse
The valiant King whom they had caught
before his Queene and wife,
And with most extreame tyrannie
despatcht him of his life?
The good Queene Voadicia
and eke her daughters three:
Did they not first abuse them all
by lust and lecherie:
And after stript them naked all,
and whipt them in such sorte:
That it would grieue each Christian heart
to heare that iust reporte.
And if these ruffling mates of Rome
did Princes thus torment:
Think you the Romish Spanyards now
would not shewe their desent.
How did they late in Rome reioyce,
in Italie and Spayne:
What ringing and what Bonfires
what Masses sung amaine.
What printed Bookes were sent about,
as filled their desire:
How England was, by Spanyards wonne,
and London set on fire.
Be these the men that are so milde,
whom some so holie call:
The Lord defend our noble Queene
and Countrie from them all.

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