Українська та зарубіжна поезія

Вірші на українській мові

Ye Old Mule

Ye old mule that think yourself so fair, Leave off with craft your beauty to repair, For it is true, […]

Since Ye So Please

Since so ye please to hear me plain, And that ye do rejoice my smart, Me list no lenger to […]

Is it possible?

Is it possible? That so high debate, So sharp, so sore, and of such rate, Should end so soon, and […]

Patience! though I have not

Patience! though I have not The thing that I require; I must, of force, God wot, Forbear my most desire, […]

Whoso list to hunt

Whoso list to hunt, I know where is an hind! But as for me, alas, I may no more; The […]

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