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If waker care; if sudden pale colour

If waker care; if sudden pale colour;
If many sighs, with little speech to plain:
Now joy, now woe, if they my chere
For hope of small, if much to fear therfore;
To haste, or slack, my pace to less, or more:
Be sign of love, then do I love again.
If thou ask whom: sure, since I did refrain
Brunet, that set my wealth in such a roar,
Th’ unfeigned cheer of Phyllis hath the place
That Brunet had; she hath, and ever shall.
She from my self now hath me in her grace;
She hath in hand my wit, my will, and all.
My heart alone well worthy she doth stay,
Without whose help scant do I live a day.

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If waker care; if sudden pale colour - THOMAS WYATT