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Followe thy faire sunne

Followe thy faire sunne, vnhappy shadowe,
Though thou be blacke as night,
And she made all of light,
Yet follow thy faire sun, vnhappie shadowe.
Follow her whose light thy light depriueth,
Though here thou liu’st disgrac’t,
And she in heauen is plac’t,
Yet follow her whose light the world reuiueth.
Follow those pure beames whose beautie burneth,
That so haue scorched thee,
As thou still blacke must bee,
Til her kind beames thy black to brightnes turneth.
Follow her while yet her glorie shineth :
There comes a luckles night,
That will dim all her light ;
And this the black vnhappie shade deuineth.
Follow still since so thy fates ordained ;
The Sunne must haue his shade,
Till both at once doe fade,
The Sun still proud, the shadow still disdained.

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Followe thy faire sunne - THOMAS CAMPION